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Some method is essential for success
And meaningful and organized work.
The scattered and disorganized mess
Which life is made of often goes berserk.

And we all quietly take it in our stride
To destinations unspecified,
In justification look at scattered stars
Or wobbling, poisonous, planet, that is Mars

And listen to the sages with mistrust,
Who tell us with its stars, planets, suns
The universe with certain method runs;
Some method in this madness is a must.

The nesting bird, the bee in the beehives,
With certain method toils and survives.

By: Kunwar Viyogi

Love Me As I Am

Love me, if you do, for what I am,
And not for what you want that I should be,
Because the love that limits is a shame,
And love is real when it sets us free.

Yea! free to suck the honey from the flowers,
Like the butterflies and the bees ,
For endless mating and indulgent hours,
Flying fleetingly amid plants and the trees,

To feed themselves and help in pollination,
With nary a much ado or causing pain.
True players in the wonder of creation,
From what they get sustenance , they sustain.

So let’s make a covenant, me and you:
Love me as I am and I will too.

By: Kunwar Viyogi

Twenty Four Hours

You be a beggar or a great monarch,
Renowned intellectual or a pious sage.
You may be in youth or you in old age
An insect you may be or a high soaring lark.

God, the great Owner, is impartial one,
He has no favorite, partiality eschews.
So without fail He every day renews
And hours twenty four denies to none.

You use them as you wish or as you may,
In sacred service or narcotic haze;
In laziness or in creature blaze.
He takes no notice gives them every day.

But just remember, listen, take account
That every moment, in the end does count.

By: Kunwar Viyogi

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