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Donate to KVMTrust:
Funds contributed through any activities of the KVMTrust would be used to empower the youth by providing them with a defined platform and help them pursue their creative pursuits, dreams and ambitions.
Bank Details For Donations:
Payable to :Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust
Bank Branch :ICICI Bank, Noida Sec 63 Branch
IFSC Code :ICIC0000816
A/C Number :081605006814
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Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust unfolds its fifth Art Chapter ‘ALPVIRAM’ THE PAUSE, a virtual art exhibition showcasing handpicked artists from across the country. Aptly titled “THE PAUSE” these COVID times have harbingered new ways of showcasing art. Since our humble beginnings, the concept of providing platform to artists in their unique expression and language has been an ongoing endeavour. Each year brings forth new sets of potentials and challenges. Across 2020 calendar, unprecedented as humanity came to a grinding halt with COVID.
All events stood stalled and cancelled, so did months of planning and hard-work. Interestingly the new challenge carried its own answers and has opened immense vistas.

The visual storytelling gave birth to newly launched FB LIVE talks on ARTIST CIRCLE, a virtual art gallery, unique in its potential, a permanent place for artists to showcase and sell their works for the world to see. This was conceptualised by me and put to test with some technical support, entirely as an idea which has taken a life of its own. The lockdown crisis has made us all more aware of the need of art and its healing nature.

This pause has given us a new perspective and recalibrate our ways of thinking. It is true that there is nothing as a non-creative person. Those who continue to believe in this, become artists. To be a creative is to be brave and to refuse to let go of the chutzpah.
Art is a magic moment that we try to capture as artists. The temporality of an instant can radiate a twinkle of eternity. The Deja vu, the phenomenon of alignment so perfect that it is eerie, is the nucleus of all art quest. All systems of beliefs have recurring themes, of which story telling is a common thread.

This year we also introduce wall of charity “art for cause’ where proceeds from sale of artwork will be donated to a charity. This year September 2020, Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust was hosting a charity art auction for the newly opened cancer hospital in Jammu, which got cancelled. We would be continuing with the project with an online charity art auction of select artworks.

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