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‘Taboo’ by Anmol Jamwal
Home  »  ‘Taboo’ by Anmol Jamwal

Anmol Jamwal is a Jazz dancer with over 6 years of work experience with the Danceworx Performing Arts.Anmol started training with the Danceworx Performing Arts Company at the early age of 11. He featured in multiple showcases, performances and music videos with the company and joined it full-time at the age of 19.

Anmol became a part of the performing cast of Jhumroo – a musical comedy and performed over 300 shows at Kingdom of Dreams in Gurugram over a period of two years. The young dancer is now the creator of YouTube channel Tried and Refused productions which works on dance collaborations with various artists, primarily working on choreography and stylized performances.

The channel has garnered over 30 million views in a short span of time and has over 75,000 subscribers. For his future endeavors, Anmol plans to expand the channel and collaborate with artists across India to spread and celebrate Jazz on all forms of media platforms.

At the ‘Cultural Cocktail: Youth for Art’ event, his piece was a stylised Jazz and Funk Choreography showcase that fused contemporary Indian and International music. It was a celebration of expression with no inhibitions or fear presented through the medium and theme of underground Jazz clubs and free conversation-like style movement.

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