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Funds contributed through any activities of the KVMTrust would be used to empower the youth by providing them with a defined platform and help them pursue their creative pursuits, dreams and ambitions.
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Prem Jamwal Youth Art Innovation Award Registration
Home  »  Prem Jamwal Youth Art Innovation Award Registration


1. Entrants must not be more than 35 years of age.
2. A maximum of one entry per entrant.
3. Artworks must be original work and completed during the 12-month period prior to 15 July 2017.
4. KVM Trust reserves the right to accept/reject any entry.

1. KVM Trust will appoint an expert panel to judge the entries for all Youth art Innovation categories. Works will be judged according to artistic excellence.
2. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
3. Award winners will be announced at the Kunwar Viyogi Utsav, 2017, where the award will be formally inaugurated.

1. KVMT reserves the right to reproduce artworks, within reason, for promotional purposes. Appropriate acknowledgements will be made and copyright laws will be observed. Copyright remains the property of the artist.
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