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Save the Language

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‘Save the Language’ campaign, an initiative started by Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust to preserve and popularise the Dogri language.

The Trust is always raring for the cause and has been organizing many events at many levels. As a part of this campaign, the trust has also launched the following books.

*Ghar by Kunwar Viyogi

*Pehliyaan Banga by Kunwar Viyogi

*Shabd se Maun Tak by Lalit Magotra

Dogri is amongst the many world languages that are today dying a slow death. Spoken by about four million people in Jammu, Himachal Pradesh and northern Punjab, the language that served as a source of livelihood for many and defined the socio-political relevance of the region is desperately clutching onto its lost glory for a fleeting existence. While the caretakers of the language attempt to revive Dogri through traditional mediums, the youth consider it ‘unpopular and unattractive’, shunning it for its perceived lack of relevance, viability, and sustainability in today’s changing times.

Many have forgotten about the rich versatility of Dogri that once nurtured diverse legendary talents like Allah Rakha, Pandit Shivkumar Sharma, singer/actor K.L. Seghal, Padma Shri poet Padma Sachdev, renowned painter Dina Nath Walli, to name a few. It was the foremost identity of the generation gone by and continues to remain a home for those who are willing to embrace it.

Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust aims to bring Dogri back to its roots, in the homes and hearts of Jammu, and to create opportunities and platforms for students, artists, writers and cultural groups, who otherwise struggle to showcase their talent. With the help of artists and activists, the Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust is taking Dogri to its youngest speakers, and reintroducing it to the older generation.

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