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Lalit Katha

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Lalit Katha

Kunwar Viyogi Short Story writing competition, named “Lalit Katha”, aims to inculcate, in the younger generation, love and appreciation for language and literature in general and to instil creative skills in short story writing in particular and to stimulate the faculty of imagination among them.

To promote a sense of belonging for languages among youth, while identifying and encouraging young and talented potential story writers.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The competition is open to students from Class VI-XII, studying in recognised schools across Jammu region
  • Each team shall comprise of only 3 students from the same school
  • Each school would be provided with a paragraph (of at the most comprising 10 lines), which would be just beginning of a story. The paragraph would be in Dogri, Hindi and English.
  • The students (Contestants) would be required to complete the story using their imagination in the languages as mentioned above.


  • The story can be written in any of the following languages, Dogri, Hindi and English.
  • The short story has to be submitted within one month of the date of notification.
  • A minimum and maximum of the number of words for the submitted short story would stand at 500-750.
  • The student would be advised to retain a copy of the submitted story.
  • The KVMT will have exclusive rights to publish/utilise the story in a manner it deems fit. Award-winning/ interesting stories will also feature on the Trust’s website and online magazine. The Trust could consider the publication of the stories in book form or their translation into various languages.
  • The decision of the panel of evaluators would be binding on the contestants.

Registration Form

Download form from here and submit at your school offices.

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