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Donate to KVMTrust:
Funds contributed through any activities of the KVMTrust would be used to empower the youth by providing them with a defined platform and help them pursue their creative pursuits, dreams and ambitions.
Bank Details For Donations:
Payable to :Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust
Bank Branch :ICICI Bank, Noida Sec 63 Branch
IFSC Code :ICIC0000816
A/C Number :081605006814
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Rajbir Ahluwalia

Rajbir Ahluwalia

Rajbir Ahluwalia
Rajbir Ahluwalia is a design professional, currently based in Singapore. Over the past decade, she has focused on photography and does active photography for Sports Covers, events, exhibitions, shows, family portraits and headshots. Rajbir’s photography has covered many different genres namely sports, landscape and nature. Her current passion is exploration of flowers using her macro lens. Rajbir holds a Diploma in Textile Design and has established a successful business, exporting embroidered home furnishings. She then dabbled in Silk Painting before her love for photography took over. Rajbir enjoys traveling and often shares her travel account on her website.

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